How Many Gels Should You Take During a Marathon?

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, some general guidelines can help runners determine how many gels they should consume during a race.

For example, many experts recommend consuming one gel every 30-40 minutes, but this can vary depending on factors like a runner’s pace, body weight, and level of training.

What are Energy Gels?

Energy gels are a popular source of quick and easily digestible carbohydrates for endurance athletes, including marathon runners.

They are small, portable packets of concentrated carbohydrates, usually in simple sugars or maltodextrin, electrolytes, and sometimes caffeine.

Energy gels are designed to provide a quick energy boost during a long run or race when glycogen stores in the muscles can deplete.

They are easy to carry and consume and can be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream to provide a rapid energy source.

Most energy gels come in single-serving packets, each containing around 20-30 grams of carbohydrates.

Some gels also contain electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, to help replace those lost through sweat during exercise.

Some gels also contain caffeine, which can help improve focus and reduce perceived exertion during a long run or race.

It’s important to note that energy gels should be part of a larger overall nutrition plan for marathon runners.

They should not be relied on as the sole source of nutrition during a race but instead used with other sources of carbohydrates and electrolytes, such as sports drinks and energy bars.

This is the gel I take when running a marathon. I find they don’t upset my stomach, are easy to take, and are more watery than other gels. I feel I get a little bit of hydration when I take them. And of course, I feel an energy boost when I take one.

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How Many Energy Gels Should You Take During a Marathon?

When taking energy gels during a marathon, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, the number of gels you need depends on various factors, including your weight, gender, age, and how well your body can handle the gels.

According to the Marathon Handbook, a good rule of thumb is to take one energy gel every 30-40 minutes. However, this is just a starting point, and you may need to adjust the frequency based on how your body responds.

It’s important to note that you can consume too many gels during a race. Most runners can digest up to 300 calories an hour while running.

If you consume more than this, it can lead to stomach issues and negatively impact your performance.

So, how many gels should you take during a marathon? It’s recommended to start with two gels per hour and adjust as needed. However, practicing your gel intake during training runs is essential to see how your body responds and determine the optimal number of gels.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider other energy sources and hydration during a marathon. Make sure to consume water and sports drinks, and consider incorporating other sources of carbohydrates, such as energy bars or bananas, into your fueling plan.

Factors to Consider

When deciding how many energy gels to take during a marathon, there are several factors to consider:

  • Personal preference: Some runners take gels more frequently, while others take them less often. Listening to your body and finding what works best for you is essential.
  • Training: Your training and preparation leading up to the marathon can impact how many gels you need. If you’ve trained your body to rely on gels for energy, you may need to take more during the race.
  • Weather conditions: Hot and humid weather can increase your need for energy gels, as your body may work harder to stay cool.
  • Course terrain: Running on hilly terrain can be more taxing on your body and may require more energy gels to keep you going.

Experimenting with different strategies during training is essential to find what works best for you. For example, some runners find that taking a gel every 30 minutes works well, while others may need to take them more frequently.

When choosing an energy gel product, consider the following:

  • Flavor: Choose a flavor you enjoy that won’t become too sweet or overpowering during the race.
  • Caffeine content: Some energy gels contain caffeine, which can provide an extra boost of energy. However, it’s essential to be cautious and not overdo caffeine intake.
  • Amount of carbohydrates: Look for gels that contain a high amount of carbohydrates, as this is the primary energy source during a marathon.

Remember to always stay hydrated during the race, as this can impact how well your body absorbs the energy from the gels.

Taking energy gels during a marathon can be a helpful way to keep your body fueled and energized, but it’s essential to find what works best for you and use them in moderation.

Final Thoughts

After researching the topic, it is clear that the number of gels a runner should consume during a marathon varies based on factors such as the length of the race, individual carbohydrate needs, and personal digestion capabilities.

However, a general guideline is to consume one gel per 6 miles of running. This means that for a marathon, a runner should consume around four gels. If you drink only water, consider bumping that up to 6 gels.

Experimenting with your long runs is essential to determine your personal carbohydrate needs and digestion capabilities.

If running for 2-3 hours, you should consume 60 grams of carbs per hour. If running for 3+ hours, you should consume 90 grams of carbs per hour.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the brand of the gel you are consuming and its contents. Some gels, like Maurten energy gels, contain fructose, glucose, and maltodextrin, allowing a runner to take a gel up to four times an hour safely.

It is also essential to consider your water intake and to carry your gels comfortably.

In conclusion, while there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many gels to consume during a marathon, the general guideline of one gel per 6 miles and experimenting with your long runs is a good starting point to determine your personal needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many gels should you take during a marathon?

The number of gels you should take during a marathon depends on your needs and preferences. Typically, runners take a gel every 30-40 minutes.

When should you take your first gel during a marathon?

It’s recommended to take your first gel approximately 45-60 minutes into the race, depending on your needs and the gel’s instructions.

How often should you take gels during a marathon?

Taking gels every 30-40 minutes during a marathon is recommended to maintain energy levels and avoid hitting the wall.

Can you take too many gels during a marathon?

Taking too many gels during a marathon can lead to stomach discomfort and nausea. It’s essential to follow the recommended guidelines and listen to your body.

What should you do if you feel nauseous after taking a gel during a marathon?

If you feel nauseous after taking a gel during a marathon, it’s recommended to slow down and drink water to help flush out your system. You can also take smaller sips of water or sports drinks to help ease the discomfort.

Can you mix different types of gels during a marathon?

Yes, you can mix different types of gels during a marathon, but testing them during training runs is essential to ensure that they work well together and do not cause stomach discomfort.

Should you take gels with water or sports drinks?

Taking some gels with water is recommended to help with absorption and avoid stomach discomfort. However, some runners may prefer to take gels with sports drinks for added electrolytes and carbohydrates.

What should you do if you forget to take a gel during a marathon?

If you forget to take a gel during a marathon, it’s essential to stay hydrated and refuel with other sources of carbohydrates, such as sports drinks or energy chews.

Can you take gels during a half marathon?

You can take gels during a half marathon, but adjusting the number and timing of gels to match the shorter distance is essential.

What are some alternatives to gels during a marathon?

Some alternatives to gels during a marathon include energy chews, sports drinks, bananas, and other sources of carbohydrates. Testing these alternatives during training runs is essential to ensure that they work.



Slightly obsessed middle aged runner.